Year: 2020

Why is Street Art Important?

Just a couple of years ago, street art was heavily looked down upon and still viewed as vandalism. Now, as we are becoming more open-minded, we can see that street art is a form of expression, just like all other forms of art, and that it carries a lot of importance. However, even today there…

Art and Nature

One of the earliest records of human activity that we can find is related to art. Even the prehistoric people felt the need to paint what was going on around them. We can see that human beings have always felt a special connection with it and that they drew their inspiration from it. This is…

The Top 5 Street Artists

It is believed that hobbies are essential for people’s well-being. It’s important to do what makes a person happy and fulfilled. Some people enjoy hanging out with friends, some read books, and some have fun using bet365 bonus code. Besides that, many people have always felt the need to express themselves in some way. We…

Famous Stolen Paintings: Still Missing

When we discuss life, we often stumble upon the meaning of it, and this issue has bothered great thinkers for millennia; each generation of philosophers tried to introduce their idea of this notion. Of course, it is a subjective matter, but one thing that most people would agree on is that art is what gives…
